2nd Presentation reflections

 Presentation 2 reflections


Introduction- The second presentation has brought to my attention topics that I never took a second to even bat an eye to. From the importance of good eating and how that can affect your health, to the importance of doing good things in this world to make the world a better place. I feel like the importance of these topics can't be ignored and everyone should be aware of the effects of these things. And, we should all make an effort to become better by applying such things into our lives. 

Group 1- The first group's topic was on "good eating". The entire objective of their speech was to point out the importance of not just throwing junk food at your body which I am very guilty of. Our bodies are like temples, and as they say, you are what you eat. Not only does the food we eat affect our body health, but it can have drastic effects on our minds too. When all you throw is garbage at your temple you may feel more tired, moody, and unmotivated with a lack of energy. These are all things we should try to avoid to be at peak mental health. But, not only is our mental health affected, our bodies slowly start to deteriorate over years of neglect from our eating habits. With an increase in heart diseases and diabetes, these are things a terrible diet can do to your health. That's why the importance of good eating is so prominent in today's world where it's so easy to go down the wrong path in your diet.

Group 2- The second group is the group I'm a part of. Our topic was "Self-care". I had never thought self-care could cause such an impact on our lives but the importance can't be overlooked. I was in charge of the statistics section, and let me tell you the data doesn't lie. Every study had shown an increase in happiness, motivation, and less anxiety when the subjects did acts of self-care. The research truly showed me the importance of it. The biggest issue is many people would forget, not have the money or time for such things. I believe that everyone should truly take the time occasionally to treat themselves with self-care, it would make everyone's lives much better. There are so many types of self-care, there's a section for pretty much anyone and everyone.

Group 3- The third group was in charge of the topic of "paying it forward". The importance of doing something good for someone. The world we live in is becoming more cold and the rise of technology is distancing humans, there has been no better time in history to pay it forward. The goal is not for you to expect something back yourself, but for your actions to create a domino effect that continues long after what you did to slowly make the world a better place. I feel like humans as a whole are becoming better at this, I'd say the world over the past century has become more aware of itself and it's actions, There are so many different non-profit organizations with the actual goal of helping people in need and it goes far beyond that. I do still feel like humans could be selfish at times and disregard others and that's why I feel like this topic is important for everyone to be aware of. Even the smallest thing like giving money to the person begging at an intersection can cause a chain effect that you may not be aware of.

Conclusion- During this series of presentations, I learned many things I thought may never be of importance. You could say, it even opened my eyes to topics I was never even aware of. Before these presentations, I didn't even know what "paying it forward" was. Or even how important self-care is until I dove deeper into the research side of things and discovered for myself the impact it can have on someone's mental health. These topics truly have awoken a new part of me that's actually aware of the importance to actually care. Every group had amazing presentations and I learned a lot. I'm especially proud of my team. We truly went above and beyond and did way better than I expected. I always get a little nervous before my turn to speak in front of everyone, but knowing my team was right behind me puts me at ease. It truly was a group effort and everyone did their part, which I'm glad of. Everything considered, I learned a lot this project not only about myself but about the world in general. I'm glad I had the opportunity to be a part of this group and learn so much.


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