Erick Vega SPC1017-7480 Theme Presentation

 My Reflections on Good Eating, Self-Care & Paying It Forward

Group 1, Good Eating

    Good eating deals with not just consuming food that taste good. Good eating deals with consuming food that is healthy for the body. While junk food may taste amazing, it's important to note how unhealthy junk food is since, in the long run, junk food is bad for your body. When it comes to classifying good eating, it's important to consume food that doesn't just taste good, it must also be good for the body.

    Group 1 highlighted the very important connection between maintaining a healthy diet and one's overall well-being. They emphasized a very important phrase concerning eating healthy and that phrase is, "You are what you eat." This phrase simply indicates that what we consume displays how careful and mindful we are off our own body. In other words, this phrase summarizes how impactful good eating is for not only your physical health, but also your mental health and even spiritual health. If we don't take care of our own bodies, especially with what we consume on a day-to-day basis, the unhealthiness in our bodies reflects that lack of care. Group 1 makes this phrase a primary point of their entire theme presentation, which I appreciate since eating healthy is, often, underappreciated and overlooked. Group 1 makes a very accurate comparison about good eating. They compared eating healthy with building a strong foundation. Group 1 does a great job of conveying the idea of good eating to the audience. I really liked how they concluded their theme presentation with two video interviews. They interviewed with one of the class leaders, Chris, and the professor, Professor Sherri Sinkoff. 

Group 2, Self-Care

    Self-care deals with making changes as a means of better improving your physical health, your mental health, and your spiritual health. The duration an individual undergoes this form of self-improvement can vary between short-term self-care or long and, preferably, gradual term of self-improvement. When it comes to self-care, improving one's physical and mental health is way easier said than done as self-care isn't exactly just as simple as saying to yourself that you're okay. 

    As one of the presenting members of group 2, I personally believed that we, as a group, did a great job presenting the definition of self-care and the methods people utilize to better improve themselves. There were a couple of hiccups here and there throughout the entire presentation, but it is understandable since the entire theme presentation, at the very least for self-care, lasted an entire hour. The presentation lasting an entire hour was significantly more time we are used to, in a group presentation, and is way longer than any of us are entirely used to presenting. Regardless, I still believe that we did a good job presenting self-care to the entire class. Reflecting back on my portion of the self-care presentation, I'm still satisfied on my overall performance on defining what self-care is and the differences between physical health, mental health, and spiritual health. If I were tasked to improve my portion of the presentation, I would definitely focus more on the emphasis of self-care and even come up with examples of self-care that are not listed in the presentation by my teammates. One of the primary differences between our theme presentation and the other theme presentations is that we did not implement interviews into our presentation. I think this difference, at the very least, distinguishes our presentation from the rest. This is not to disregard how well-made the other theme presentations are in any shape or form. 

Group 3, Paying it Forward


    Group 3's Paying It Forward theme presentation tackles what "paying it forward" does for you. This idea of responding to someone's, mainly a family member's or a friend's, act of kindness by passing that kindness onto someone else, mainly a stranger, instead of repaying that kindness back towards its recipient. There's an entire Romantic drama film dedicated to this idea called, "Pay It Forward." This drama film is an adaptation of the novel that is also called, "Pay It Forward."

    Group 3 starts their entire theme presentation by introducing the idea of "paying it forward," and eventually getting towards the definition of the phrase, "paying it forward." I really this method of starting a large group presentation since it allows audience members, like me, to properly digest what Group 3 is going to teach us about: paying it forward. It's better to give your audience some time to prepare themselves for what they're about to be taught instead of immediately jumping straight into the topic as doing so has the off chance of, instead, confusing your audience since they couldn't properly understand your topic and your message. It was nice to implement a trailer of the "Pay It Forward," movie and recommending the movie in order to show the audience a relaxing and entertaining method of understanding the idea of "paying it forward." I really liked how group 3 implemented a different way to utilize interviews than traditionally at the very end of their theme presentation. What group 3 did was use an entire transcript of the paying it forward interview instead of recording a video of the interview itself. What implementing an entire transcript does is allow audience members to properly read through the interview themselves and allow for further analysis of the entire interview instead of relying primarily on the current speaker of the presentation, not to disregard the speaker presenting the interviewing portion but a transcript does help in further understanding of paying it forward. Overall, I think group 3 did a fantastic job of presenting what it means to pay it forward and what paying it forward does for you.

Overall Reflections

    I believe that I have learned a lot about happiness throughout the 2 theme presentations I've been an audience member of and the theme presentation I've been a presenter of. Group 1 demonstrated what it means to maintain a healthy eating diet citing junk food as means of negatively affecting your body and implementing the phrase, "you are what you eat." Group 2, our group, demonstrated the importance of taking care of yourself to better improve your physical, mental, and spiritual health. Finally, group 3 demonstrated what it means to spread that happiness gifted to you towards other people utilizing the phase, "paying it forward." Together with this new-founded knowledge, not only do I know how to become happier with myself, but I also know how to spread that happiness onto other people and make the world a happier place.


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