Presentation #2 Reflections

Reflection of Group Presentations #2

In class all groups had to present on different topics, but they were all similar in the way that they were very human. They all had to deal with something that as humans, we can do negatively and positively. The three topics were good eating which was done by group one, self care which was done by my group, group two, and paying it forward, which was done by group three. All very important topics on how people can not only help themselves but help other people as well. 

Group 1: Good Eating

Group one's presentation was about good eating and their main goal was to explain how we can have good eating habits and how good eating habits can effect us positively and how bad eating habits can effect us negatively. They explained how having a diet with whole foods, lost of protein, vegetables and fruit can help us not only with our health, but it could also help us feel energized and ready for the day rather than eating food that is processed like fast foods or foods with a lot of added sugars too them which make you feel sluggish and groggy throughout the day. Talking about foods with a lot of sugar, those foods can actually lead to your face looking a lot more puffier and having worse acne, which is why when people cut sugar out of their diet completely, or at least sugars that are bad for you, their face gets a lot less puffy and they have a lot less acne. 

They also talked about the misconception of good or bad when it comes to food. When people think of fat or sugars in good they usually tend to think it's bad fats or sugars, but thats not always the case. Foods like avocados and red meat actually have fats in them that aren't bad and could actually be positive for your body, just like how fruits have sugar which again can have a positive affect on your body. The reason people get these misconception's is because society as a whole is always talking about bad fats and sugars which lead people to believe that all sugars and fats are bad. 

Overall, group one's presentation was very simple and straight to the point which made it a great presentation. Personally I think group one did an amazing job on their presentation. 

Group 2: Self-Care 

Our group presentation was about self care, our objective was to explain how to have good self care. You may think that good self care is relaxing or giving yourself a day off, which are great ways to practice self care, but self care actually goes far deeper than just that. We talked about various ways to have good self care, for starters exercising. Exercising can be a great way to practice self care, not only does it promote cardiovascular health and good health all around, it is also a great way to make yourself feel confident, accomplished, and is a way to decrease stress. In many case, when people see progress it helps you feel more confident in your self and you end up getting a higher self esteem and stop seeing yourself so negatively, which this brings me to the next point, anxiety.

Anxiety is something that affects most people, but there are many different ways you can help reduce anxiety, such as relaxing when you feel yourself too stressed, as well as meditation. Although I dont meditate personally, I am interested in meditating and have found that it is actually a very effective way of reducing stress. Another way to have good self care is getting enough sleep. A person needs 8 hours of sleep every night, which most people now dont really get, including me some days, but I do make sure to sleep good. With good sleep comes feeling energized which is very important, especially if you have a busy day ahead of you

One last way you can have good self care actually has to deal with group one's presentation, which is good eating. Like I said in my reflection for the first groups topic, good eating can help you feel energized and promote good health benefits. 

We also talked about how America differs from other countries in the sense of how they do self care. One good example of this is what we do in our personal time to relax or feel less stressed. Here in America, meditation and connecting with nature is something that isn't very normalized and something people usually do independent, but in other countries, meditation and connecting with nature are big parts of their culture and very normalized. 

I personally thing we did a good job on our presentations, even thought it was a little lengthy, it was still packed with loads of information and ways people can have good self care.

Group 3: Paying it Forward

Group three's presentation was about paying it forward and wait it truly means to pay something forward. They showed us a movie trailer which explains what exactly paying it forwards means. Paying it forward is when you do something kind to another person, which then could lead them to continue the kindness and do something kind for someone else which then creates a loop of kindness and people doing kind things.

Group three goes on to explain that paying it forward can actually help people have a better day which just one act, and how one act can set someones day. For example, letting someone in front of you in a line, complimenting someones shirt, or even holding a door open for someone. These can all help people have better days and be put in better moods, and this random act of kindness can actually lead people on to do the same for someone else. 

Group three, for having only four people in there group compared to the other groups which have around seven-eight, did a great job on explaining what paying it forward is and how we can make someones day with just one small or big act. 


In conclusion, all groups had great presentations with loads of important and interesting information on how to be a better person to yourself and to the people around you. Us as people should always try to be the best version of ourselves and should push ourselves to accomplish that, its always better to be a good, happy, healthy person than to be a negative and stressed out person, and all these topics help on how to be the best version of yourself possible.


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