Leonardo Valdes- Reflection

 I really enjoyed hearing those amazing presentations on kindness, how to mange self-care, and how to choose a healthy eating habit. They were really moving and it is providing information on how to keep your body healthy and how to be polite to others. Although, I think ours was better than the others, if I am being honest with you. It is a real twist to a personal story. They can be ways of warning people of the consequences of bad choices. What I am saying is that I may have made a few mistakes in the past and I regret doing them. I really wish I can go back and fix them but it is not that easy. So a piece of advice, do not go off making bad choices because you might start regretting it in the future. I will be telling you everything we learned from all those presentations that were made by us and the other groups in the class. It will be something that you will need to know for your own safety, and the safety of other people as well. So read it well, you may learn a thing or two from it.

Group 2: Self-care

We were giving out information on how to provide really good self-care in a way of providing tips. These tips can help you both physically and mentally, like they did with me, mostly to be honest. It was really informational, don’t you think? Anyway, there are many ways of managing self-care, ways that can affect your overall mood and physical strength. Physical health can be managed through exercise. Any exercise can count, whether it is big or maybe small, it still counts. However if it is done inappropriately then it may cause a few broken bones or possibly some muscle cramps. So be careful when you begin exercising, it is for your own good. Although, just as exercise is important, it is also important to get the right amount of sleep so that way you can improve your mental health. If you get a total of 8 hours of sleep then you can improve on your cognitive functions and you would be all charged up, it is like when a phone is low on battery and it needs to charge for a while. If you get enough sleep then you will feel more focused on your goal, and improve on your mindset. It is another way of saying you need to take some time to rest up. That way you can be mentally prepared. Another way is to eat healthy and stay hydrated so that way you still have energy left to run on and not end up dry. Another way to be healthy is to remain positive, that is the main key to a healthy body.

These points were made to help out with the challenges you will face in the future, but the important thing is to be careful with your life choices. If you are not careful then things will not turn out good for you. I know what that feels like, I bump my head, accidentally cut myself, fell off my bike, and got my toenail clipped. So make your choices carefully if you don’t want end up with those.

Group 3: Healthy Eating Habits

This group is persuading us to choose a healthier diet, which is very important to keep yourself healthy. My mom says it is better if we eat healthier meals so we don’t be fat. Eating healthy will prevent certain pains like tummy ache, tooth ache, diarrhea, or vomiting. I know what that is like because I ended up with an upset stomach after eating expired meatballs. In my defense I did not know the meatballs my mom was talking about was in the container with the pasta. Because of those meatballs, my stomach started hurting so much the number two was big. If you’re wondering how big, believe me when I say “you do not want to know”. That is not the point, the point is that this presentation is showing us that everyone must be careful with what they eat, because if they don’t you may not like what you put in the toilet. The most important thing that you must know is that you must choose your diet more carefully so that you will not end up with a very upset stomach. You should believe this kind of advice. It came from someone who had all that experience. It will not be pleasant for you neither.

A healthy meal can also improve on your muscles and give you energy so that way you can be a bit more active for the day. So you better choose your next meal wisely if you don’t want eat your way to sleeping, and it can be quite a drag, if  I am being honest. A healthy meal can keep you running.

Group 1: Pay Forward, Kindness

This group was teaching us how to be kind to others with a few tips on what qualities we should have. They even provided great examples when they gave this presentation like providing money for charity, hosting a fundraiser, or providing food for the poor. They are all good examples of being kind, which can help out with those who are sick and poor. You have to have great generosity to be a person to kindness, but it is not just that, there is also compassion for others that make a kind heart in someone. To be kind means you have to provide for those who cannot provide for themselves that is true kindness. I heard that phrase in a movie once. What I am trying to say is that you should be considerate to others, so you can help them feel more important in their life. It is something you need to consider for the sake of those that need to be helped. It is something I got from a video. So just remember all of this.


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