
Showing posts from March, 2024

Matthew Pena-Rendon

    Introduction:   In today's busy world, staying healthy and happy is super important. I will reflect on how these three groups came together to talk about different parts of being well. Group one talked about eating right and how it helps us stay healthy. My group, group two, focused on taking care of ourselves, like our minds and bodies. And group three shared about a movie called "Paying It Forward," showing how helping one person can start a chain reaction of kindness. Together, these ideas show that being well isn't just about us—it's about everyone around us too. Group 1(Good Eating):   Good Food, Good Health Group one told us that eating healthy food is like building a strong foundation for our bodies. It's like the saying "you are what you eat." This means the food we eat affects how we feel and think. Eating lots of fruits, veggies, whole grains, and healthy proteins keeps us strong and less likely to get sick. When we eat mindfull

Leonardo Valdes- Reflection

 I really enjoyed hearing those amazing presentations on kindness, how to mange self-care, and how to choose a healthy eating habit. They were really moving and it is providing information on how to keep your body healthy and how to be polite to others. Although, I think ours was better than the others, if I am being honest with you. It is a real twist to a personal story. They can be ways of warning people of the consequences of bad choices. What I am saying is that I may have made a few mistakes in the past and I regret doing them. I really wish I can go back and fix them but it is not that easy. So a piece of advice, do not go off making bad choices because you might start regretting it in the future. I will be telling you everything we learned from all those presentations that were made by us and the other groups in the class. It will be something that you will need to know for your own safety, and the safety of other people as well. So read it well, you may learn a thing or two fr

Presentation #2 Reflections

Reflection of Group Presentations #2 In class all groups had to present on different topics, but they were all similar in the way that they were very human. They all had to deal with something that as humans, we can do negatively and positively. The three topics were good eating which was done by group one, self care which was done by my group, group two, and paying it forward, which was done by group three. All very important topics on how people can not only help themselves but help other people as well.  Group 1: Good Eating Group one's presentation was about good eating and their main goal was to explain how we can have good eating habits and how good eating habits can effect us positively and how bad eating habits can effect us negatively. They explained how having a diet with whole foods, lost of protein, vegetables and fruit can help us not only with our health, but it could also help us feel energized and ready for the day rather than eating food that is processed like fast