
Erick Vega SPC1017-7480 Theme Presentation

 My Reflections on Good Eating, Self-Care & Paying It Forward Group 1, Good Eating     Good eating deals with not just consuming food that taste good. Good eating deals with consuming food that is healthy for the body. While junk food may taste amazing, it's important to note how unhealthy junk food is since, in the long run, junk food is bad for your body. When it comes to classifying good eating, it's important to consume food that doesn't just taste good, it must also be good for the body.     Group 1 highlighted the very important connection between maintaining a healthy diet and one's overall well-being. They emphasized a very important phrase concerning eating healthy and that phrase is, "You are what you eat." This phrase simply indicates that what we consume displays how careful and mindful we are off our own body. In other words, this phrase summarizes how impactful good eating is for not only your physical health, but also your mental health and

Presentation 2 Reflection

 Presentation 2 Reflection All of the groups that presented in class covered different subjects, but they all had as their common theme human experiences. Every subject covered facets of human conduct that can take on both favorable and unfavorable forms. Group two, which included my group, talked about self-care techniques, Group Three concentrated on the idea of paying it forward, and Group One covered good eating habits. These subjects draw attention to the significance of deeds that assist others in our societies as well as benefiting individuals. Group 1: Group 1 highlighted the critical link between a healthy diet and overall well-being, drawing a comparison between it and building a strong foundation for our bodies. They emphasized the well-known proverb "you are what you eat," showing how our dietary decisions have a significant impact on both our physical and mental health. Their endorsement of a diet abundant in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and healthful protei

Reflection on presentations

     Reflection on Presentations Every group in the class had to give a presentation on a distinct, yet fascinating, issue related to the same concept: communication. Effective communication is undoubtedly one of the most crucial aspects of relationships, workplaces, educational environments, and other contexts. Good communication skills are essential regardless of the mode of communication, be it verbal or nonverbal. In my opinion, I have strong social and communication abilities. Whether I'm speaking with someone for the first time or not, I can communicate well in both professional and academic situations. I'm glad to say that I was born with this talent and didn't need to develop guts to learn it or conquer any obstacles to get to where I am now. However, because there are so many languages in the world, communication is not only important in group settings. In fact, given how diverse the modern world is and how useful knowing multiple languages can be in certain situa

2nd Presentation reflections

  Presentation 2 reflections 4/1/2024 Introduction - The second presentation has brought to my attention topics that I never took a second to even bat an eye to. From the importance of good eating and how that can affect your health, to the importance of doing good things in this world to make the world a better place. I feel like the importance of these topics can't be ignored and everyone should be aware of the effects of these things. And, we should all make an effort to become better by applying such things into our lives.  Group 1-  The first group's topic was on "good eating". The entire objective of their speech was to point out the importance of not just throwing junk food at your body which I am very guilty of. Our bodies are like temples, and as they say, you are what you eat. Not only does the food we eat affect our body health, but it can have drastic effects on our minds too. When all you throw is garbage at your temple you may feel more tired, moody, and

Presentation 2 Reflection

Introduction : During our class presentations, each group tackled distinct topics, yet they shared a common theme centered around human experiences. Each topic explored aspects of human behavior that can manifest both positively and negatively. Group one addressed healthy eating habits, my group (group two) discussed self-care practices, and group three focused on the concept of paying it forward. These topics highlight the importance of actions that not only benefit individuals but also extend to helping others in our communities. Group 1: Group one emphasized the crucial connection between good food and good health, likening it to laying a sturdy foundation for our bodies. They highlighted the familiar adage, "you are what you eat," illustrating how our food choices profoundly influence our physical and mental well-being. By advocating for a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and healthy proteins, they underscored the importance of nourishing our bodies to bolst