Leonardo Valdes

 Presentation Reflections on All Groups.

I was really inspired by how presented the many ways of communication. It really got my heart moving, learning about cultures, figuring out how to work in groups, and gave me tips on how to be a good leader and how to solve problems. They really are like making speeches to inspire an entire civilization. The whole of this is to create a social network to communicate with others. This would sound like a really great idea on all sides in every direction. Although, these tactics are not really easy for me to do. I have had a very hard time doing it for quite a few years. I tried learning Spanish since I graduated to elementary school and it wasn’t exactly easy for me to learn, it was even hard to communicate with those who spoke Spanish. As for working with groups. They have not made working on a project very easy, there is a lot of arguing and making a mess of thing. Also I am not very social with others. It is very much a problem that is not very easy to fix. The point is, that I really envy the people who are doing a better job of communicating than I did all these years, because I was never one with having conversations with other people. I can be a bit loss for words. I can’t even dance in public without feeling a heavy dose of stage fright because I get really worried that I might make a mistake and make a fool out of myself, which would be very humiliating. I can’t even think of more than what I know. I can’t expand my ideas that far. My plans are very limited. That gives me a reason to learn how to be more proactive in situations like this. Here is what they were presenting.

Group 1, Chapter 3: Intercultural Communication 

This group was giving a great presentation about interacting with other cultures. It actually makes me think that I wish I could speak their languages, it is such a pain. However, they speak of many great ideals. There are many cultures that share their values, attitudes, and beliefs. They have such great values, some they profess to hold, and some that can guide their behaviors. It is a very wonderful sight to set eyes and ears on for most of the class. I can really imagine how other cultures are sharing their beliefs and traditions. Most traditions are not very easy but after a while it can be easy. They also mentioned something about a slight discomfort in engaging new cultures. They called it Culture Shock. If you ask me, that sounds extremely unpleasant. I would really like to know more about these cultures because that would be a real mind blower. It would be great to learn about their traditions, see their style of music, taste the different types of food, and even see their style in clothing. It may not be easy to interact with them, but that doesn’t mean I won’t stop trying to fit in. I may have a long way to go before I reach that area of expertise. My family originated from Cuba, and my first language was Spanish. Unfortunately, I spent more time speaking English I started forgetting how to speak Spanish. That is why I wasn’t having an easy time in my Spanish classes. After hearing that presentation it has given me more thoughts about visiting different cultures, and trying out new things. It may take a while but I will reach that bridge when I get there. By that I mean while try to learn more about these cultures and how to properly greet them.

Some cultures can be very dominant, while others believe in coexistence with others. That makes me believe that there can be war, but there can also be peace in many cultures. There are quarrels, and there are negotiations. That is not very easy for most cultures but soon they learn to put their differences aside. Them mentioning culture uncertainties got me thinking that the fate of a culture is unpredictable. But it has brought great knowledge about other cultures.

Group 2, Chapter 9: Communicating in Groups

We were giving a great presentation on working with different types of groups, like families, support groups, interest groups, social groups, teams, service groups, and virtual groups. I got to be honest working in a group is not really easy because of the few complications that need to be worked out, but in the end, everything starts to work out just fine. Back when I was in middle school I was assigned to a group that did more talk than work and it caused me to freak out a few time, but we sorted stuff out, got it done, and it was all okay. This presentation has taught me a lot about working with groups, and it has shown me that in a group a lot can be done correctly and quickly. My mom was also telling me how I should be more open with others, it is kind of one of her lectures.

This presentation has really opened up to me and convinced me to try harder in working with others, even though the process is not really easy. My opinion is that this was a very motivational presentation. I have been motivated to try and get along better with the group.

Group 3, Chapter 10: Group Leadership and Problem Solving

This group really gave an amazing speech on leadership. Although, I do not really see myself as a leader, but usually I do solve some problems. They don’t have easy solutions but I try to work through them as hard as I can. This presentation really gave me some motivation about trying harder to find the solution to a problem, even when working in a group.  I may not have experience leading a group but I have seen enough movies to know that a leader must listen to his, or her, entire group.



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